
The Future of Legal Technology & What We Can Expect​

 In Practice Pointers

The Future of Legal Technology & What We Can Expect

Legal operations are almost unrecognizable these days. Legal tech started ramping up in the 1990s, but it wasn’t until recent years that technology truly transformed how law firms work.

Thanks to the introduction of AI, cloud-based solutions, and other sophisticated law-specific tools, it seems like legal tech companies accomplished decades’ worth of development in only a few years. But what does this mean for the future of law?

Let’s take a closer look at what’s coming and how it’s set to change the way law firms operate.

man working in a laptop

The Traditional Workflows We Left Behind

Remember when the legal industry was rooted in old-school methods? Everything seemed to take longer back then; whether it was scheduling meetings, gathering information, or simply getting a task done, the process was often slow and manual.

It wasn’t just about paperwork. It was the whole approach to work that felt like it was stuck in the past. Communication happened mostly in person or over the phone, and collaboration was limited by geography and time. The workflows we had in place produced perpetual logjams, tests of patience, and boundless anxiety. 

Today, things couldn’t be more different. We’ve left behind those traditional ways of working in favor of modern tools and technologies that make everything faster and more connected.

From instant communication platforms to cloud-based project management tools, the way we work now is more streamlined and flexible. Tasks that used to take hours can now be done in minutes, and working with colleagues or clients across the globe is just as easy as working with someone down the hall.

We’ve traded the old for the new, and in doing so, we’ve opened the door to a more efficient and dynamic way of getting things done. But just how far have we come?

Legal Tech Today

Say goodbye to excessive paperwork and hello to optimized productivity because the legal tech revolution is putting the pace back to justice.

The days of spending hours digging through casebooks or manually drafting contracts from scratch are over. With tools like document automation, contract management software, and advanced legal research platforms, legal professionals can now accomplish in minutes what used to take them hours.

Need to find a relevant case? Just type in a few keywords, and you’ve got the information at your fingertips. Drafting a discovery document? Use generative AI, tweak a few details, and you’re done. Managing mountains of data? Software can organize, categorize, and make sense of it all without breaking a sweat.

But here’s the thing: what we’re seeing today is just the tip of the iceberg. Impressive as these tools are, the real excitement lies in what’s coming next—a wave of even more cutting-edge technologies.

We’re at a point where technology is not just helping lawyers work faster, it’s starting to change the way they think about their work. As these tools evolve, they’ll continue to push the boundaries, making legal processes not just faster and more efficient but smarter and more intuitive, too.

The Future of the Legal Industry and Technology

So, what’s next on the horizon for the legal sector?

Lawyers, take note: the ground is shifting beneath your feet, and the entire legal system is poised to be turned on its head. In the near future, expect to see technology that’s not just faster or more efficient but genuinely smarter and more intuitive.

AI is set to take center stage as it goes beyond just helping with routine legal processes like document drafting. Imagine AI predicting case outcomes, suggesting strategies, or even guiding decision-making processes based on data analysis. Some tools already have these capabilities, but only to a certain extent.

But with all this new tech coming in, there’s a catch. Lawyers will need to adapt or risk getting left in the dust.

As law practice transforms, early adopters will catapult to the industry’s top tier. It’s not about replacing lawyers with robots but about using these tools to optimize what lawyers can do, which can make them more effective and allow them to focus on the more nuanced, human aspects of the job.

We’re standing at a crossroads, with the road ahead looking sharp and sleek while the one behind us is pockmarked with ruts and nostalgia. That’s why holding onto outdated thinking just won’t take us where we need to go. The legal landscape is no longer standing still, and our understanding of it needs to move in tandem.

The Biggest Trends of 2024

So, how can your legal practice keep up with all these changes? Here are some of the best types of legal tech you need to be adopting today:

1. Automation and Artificial Intelligence

Automation and AI are becoming a core part of how legal work gets done. Remember when mundane tasks would suck up hours of your day? Those days are numbered, thanks to the rise of smart tools that take care of business.

Think contract drafting, document review, and even legal research. With AI handling mundane duties, lawyers are now free to tackle the tougher, more interesting cases. Ultimately, this leads to better efficiency, case outcomes, and law firm profitability.

A prime example of AI making life easier for lawyers is Briefpoint. Using generative artificial intelligence, Briefpoint automates the creation of discovery documents. What usually takes hours can now be done in minutes, and you can spend the rest of your time on more value-adding tasks.

With Briefpoint Bridge, you can finally simplify client responses and get to the heart of the matter. With it, collecting client input becomes a seamless experience. It reframes technical jargon into plain language, shares it with clients, and effortlessly incorporates their responses into your working documents.

Over 500 law firms trust Briefpoint to help them write requests for production, requests for admission, interrogatories, and more. If you want to see how it works, schedule a demo today.


2. Online Legal Services

Online legal services are on the rise, and this trend is only going to get stronger. Faced with a legal snag, people crave hassle-free solutions, and online platforms are happily obliging.

Whether it’s drafting a will, handling a small legal dispute, or getting advice on an issue, more and more services are moving online. This shift is making legal help more accessible to everyone, not just those who can afford traditional legal fees.

3. Cloud-Based Collaboration

Remote work isn’t going anywhere, and cloud-based collaboration tools are making it easier for lawyers to work from just about anywhere.

Sharing legal documents, collaborating on cases, and staying in sync with colleagues and clients doesn’t require everyone to be in the same room anymore. This trend will keep growing, and as it does, collaboration is becoming smoother, faster, and more efficient.

4. Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR)

These technologies are opening up new possibilities, like virtual courtrooms where participants can “attend” proceedings without actually being there.

Imagine walking through a reconstructed crime scene using AR—it would give lawyers a whole new way to understand and present evidence. It’s early days, but the potential is huge.

5. Predictive Analytics

Predictive analytics is all about using data to forecast outcomes, and it’s becoming a game-changer in the legal field. By analyzing past cases, predictive analytics can help lawyers anticipate how a judge might rule or gauge the likelihood of a case going to trial.

As this technology gets better, it’s becoming an invaluable tool for making informed decisions based on solid data, rather than just gut feelings. It’s a trend that’s going to keep growing and making a real impact on legal strategy.

6. Alternative Legal Service Providers

Unlike traditional law firms, ALSPs focus on specific legal tasks like document review, contract management, and legal research, using technology to get the job done faster and cheaper.

They’re changing the game by offering specialized services that help law firms and corporate legal departments operate more efficiently. This shift is making waves in the industry, as ALSPs bring a fresh approach that can disrupt the way legal services have traditionally been delivered.

Embrace the Change to Maintain a Competitive Advantage

The future of legal technology isn’t just on the horizon—it’s here, and it’s changing the game.

If you’ve been wondering how to keep up with all these advancements, you’re not alone. From AI-driven tools to cloud-based collaboration, the legal profession is evolving fast. And it’s not just about keeping pace; it’s about setting a new standard for how we work, making things faster, smarter, and more client-friendly.

So, are you ready to step into the future of legal practice? Briefpoint is designed to help you do just that.

Imagine cutting down hours of work into just minutes with AI-powered document creation, or simplifying client communication with Briefpoint Bridge. Sounds good, right?

Join the 500+ law firms already reaping the benefits and see how Briefpoint can transform your litigation process. Schedule a demo today and take your first step into the future!

Why Adapting to New Legal Tech Means More Profit

Discovery responses cost firms $23,240, per year, per attorney. $23,240 estimate assumes an associate attorney salary of $150,000 (including benefits – or $83 an hour), 20 cases per year/per associate, 4 discovery sets per case, 30 questions per set, 3.5 hours spent responding to each set, and 1800 hours of billable hours per year.

Under these assumptions, you save $20,477 using Briefpoint, per year, per attorney.

Test Briefpoint yourself by scheduling a demo here.

FAQs About the Future of Legal Tech

Will AI replace lawyers in the future?

No, AI won’t replace lawyers, but it will change the way they work. AI can handle routine tasks, freeing up lawyers to focus on more complex and strategic work. AI doesn’t have the in-depth legal knowledge, emotional intelligence, judgment, contextual understanding, and ethical reasoning that human lawyers have.

Are online legal services reliable?

Yes, online legal services have come a long way and are becoming increasingly reliable. However, it’s still important to do your research and choose a reputable service for your law firm.

How secure is cloud-based collaboration?

Security is a top priority for cloud-based tools, with many using encryption and other measures to protect sensitive information. However, it’s essential to follow best practices and use tools from trusted providers.

How can predictive analytics help lawyers?

Predictive analytics can help lawyers make better decisions by analyzing legal data and predicting outcomes. This can save time and improve the accuracy of their work.


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