
7 Best Legal AI Companies of 2024

 In Practice Pointers

7 Best Legal AI Companies of 2024

The legal industry is undergoing a remarkable transformation thanks to artificial intelligence (AI) integration. 

While AI was initially met with skepticism and resistance by many legal professionals, fearing it would compromise job security and the accuracy of their work, its undeniable benefits have led to widespread adoption.

Today, AI is not just a trend but an indispensable tool in modern law firms as it optimizes efficiency, accuracy, and overall productivity better than any other tech can.

Artificial intelligence is profoundly impacting the legal profession, and we’re counting down the top companies driving this transformation in 2024.

man working with Legal Document Automation Software

Artificial Intelligence in the Legal Industry

When AI started making its way into law firms, it wasn’t welcomed with open arms.

Many legal professionals were skeptical, to say the least. The idea of machines handling tasks that were traditionally done by trained lawyers sparked many fears and doubts.

Lawyers couldn’t shake the feeling that AI’s inroads would compromise their job security and ultimately undermine the precision they strived for. They feared that AI systems would get bogged down in the intricacies of legal speak and lose sight of the human element.

It was a time of uncertainty and hesitation, and many thought AI was just a passing trend that would never take root in such a traditionally human-driven field.

But fast forward a few years, and things have changed dramatically. Legal tech, especially AI, is now common in law firms, and the benefits are hard to ignore.

How AI Technology Benefits Legal Work

First, AI brings an efficiency level that humans simply can’t match. It can process vast amounts of data in a fraction of the time it would take a human, allowing legal teams to handle cases faster and more efficiently.

Why waste valuable lawyer brainpower on grunt work? With automation, lawyers get to zero in value-adding tasks that directly translate into increased client satisfaction.

Accuracy is another huge benefit. Advanced AI algorithms can identify patterns and anomalies that even the most diligent human eyes might miss. In law, precision is non-negotiable. With fewer mistakes and more reliable outcomes, the stakes are significantly lower. 

Then there’s the cost factor. Routine tasks, like hours spent categorizing documents or aggregating reports, have law firms hemorrhaging valuable resources. Automating these grunt jobs cuts operational costs dramatically.

Access to information is yet another game-changer. AI-powered tools can sift through massive databases to find relevant case law, precedents, and statutes in seconds. 

This level of access was unimaginable a few years ago. It means that lawyers can now build stronger cases backed by thorough research that’s done in a fraction of the time.

These days, law firms that resisted AI’s initial intrusions now integrate it into their workflow and reap the rewards of efficient processes and happier clients (to name a few). 

7 Best AI-Powered Tools for Legal Teams

Let’s face it: the legal world can be a bit overwhelming with all the paperwork, deadlines, and endless research. But what if there were tools that could make your life a whole lot easier?

In 2024, there are dozens upon dozens of AI-powered tools in the legal sector. However, only a handful stand out:

1. is a game-changer for lawyers and paralegals alike—or anyone who drafts discovery documents.

Instead of spending hours drafting Requests for Admission, Requests for Production, interrogatories, and other discovery documents, you can rely on to do the job quickly and accurately.

All you have to do is upload your opposing counsel’s discovery document, add objections and responses, and then download, sign, and serve! Briefpoint’s AI will take care of the rest.

There’s also Briefpoint Bridge, a brand-new feature that lets you collect and plug-in client responses to discovery documents without all the back and forth. 

With Bridge, you can select which inquiries need client responses, send a link where your client can fill in their answers, and then plug those answers into your discovery document.

As you let this tool handle the drafting, you can shift your attention to the big-picture litigation strategy that will get you ahead.

2. Casetext

Casetext is transforming the way legal professionals conduct research with its AI-driven capabilities. Traditional legal research can be daunting and time-consuming, but Casetext simplifies this process immensely.

Using advanced natural language processing, Casetext helps you quickly find relevant case laws, statutes, and regulations by understanding the context and nuances of your queries.

One of the standout features of Casetext is its CARA A.I., which reads your uploaded briefs and instantly identifies relevant case law that you may have missed. This makes sure that your legal arguments are comprehensive and well-supported.

Additionally, Casetext’s powerful search engine can parse through vast legal databases in seconds and deliver precise results that save you countless hours.

3. Luminance

Luminance is a handy tool for document review and due diligence in the legal world. With its advanced AI, Luminance reads and understands legal documents quickly, picking out important details and flagging any potential issues that need a closer look.

Luminance is amazingly flexible. It listens to your habits and adjusts its approach on the fly. The more documents it absorbs, the sharper its instincts for sniffing out inconsistencies become.

Whether you’re dealing with big mergers or just reviewing a bunch of contracts, Luminance makes the process faster and more accurate.

4. LawToolBox

LawToolBox is the intelligent assistant that legal pros rely on to manage their schedules. Imagine never missing a deadline again—this integration with Microsoft Office makes it a reality, tying everything together in one convenient package.

LawToolBox relieves pressure by handling legal deadline calculations. By simply entering the case information, LawToolBox calculates all the critical dates and updates your calendar accordingly. Busy lawyers need this feature to stay on top of looming deadlines and court dates.

LawToolBox also allows for easy collaboration within legal teams. Team members can share calendars and deadlines so everyone is on the same page and nothing falls through the cracks.

Also, the platform’s reminders and notifications help keep everyone on track, which reduces the stress of managing multiple cases and deadlines.

5. Ironclad

Ironclad takes the cumbersome weight off your shoulders by expertly managing every stage of the contract lifecycle to give you back valuable time and energy. The goal is to make it easier and more efficient for legal teams to handle everything from creation and negotiation to execution and contract review.

One of Ironclad’s key features is its user-friendly interface, which allows you to draft and customize contracts quickly. Its AI capabilities help automate repetitive tasks, like filling in standard clauses and ensuring compliance with company policies.

6. Clio

Clio is like your law firm’s all-in-one assistant but in the cloud. It helps you keep track of cases, manage billing, organize documents, and stay in touch with clients—all from one easy-to-use platform. 

Whether you’re tracking time, scheduling appointments, or collaborating with your team, Clio makes it simple and secure. It’s especially popular with small to mid-sized law firms because it takes care of daily tasks like:

  • Case management

  • Billing and invoicing

  • Time tracking

  • Document management

  • Client communication

  • Calendar management

  • Task management

  • Reporting and analytics

  • Payment processing

7. Everlaw

Everlaw is transforming due diligence and document review for legal teams, bringing a level of efficiency and insight that’s hard to match.

What if you had a shortcut to comb through legal files, homing in on the most critical documents in no time? Gone are the days of mind-numbing drudgery; Everlaw speeds up the pace and converts tedious chores into rapid-fire accomplishments.

As you explore the platform, you’ll appreciate its elegantly simple design, which makes organizing documents a snap. Forget fussing with tedious formatting—the drag-and-drop tool, custom tags, and advanced search filters let you get down to business.

Everlaw’s document review features are top-notch, too. You can easily redact, annotate, and analyze metadata, ensuring you capture every important detail without breaking a sweat.

Will AI Replace Legal Professionals?

The question of whether AI will replace legal professionals is a hot topic in the industry right now. Let’s be clear: while AI software is undoubtedly transforming the legal landscape, it’s not about to put lawyers out of work.

AI should be seen as a powerful tool that supplements the capabilities of legal professionals rather than a replacement for them.

AI excels at handling repetitive, mundane tasks that can bog down lawyers—think document review, legal research, and data analysis. While these tasks are essential, they don’t require the nuanced understanding and strategic thinking that lawyers bring to the table.

Handing over tedious tasks to AI means lawyers can direct their energy toward high-stakes strategy and client connection. By automating these processes, AI allows lawyers to focus on what they do best: providing expert legal advice, crafting compelling arguments, and developing innovative strategies for their clients.

Plus, the human element in law is irreplaceable. Legal professionals don’t just interpret laws; they understand the intricacies of human behavior, emotions, and motivations. They negotiate deals, mediate disputes, and provide a sense of justice that a machine simply can’t replicate.

Let’s not forget the ethical and moral dimensions of the legal profession. A code of ethics binds lawyers and has a duty to uphold justice, something that AI, no matter how advanced, cannot fully grasp or execute. 

Legal decisions often require a level of moral judgment and ethical consideration that goes beyond binary logic.

So, no, AI will never replace lawyers or even legal assistants, for that matter. But it will take a lot of burden off their shoulders.

person working on legal documents

Start Drafting Legal Documents With Ease

How do you maintain the quality of your legal services if you’re always drowning in paperwork?

If you’re in the field of litigation, one of the most tedious parts of your work is discovery. And in discovery lies one of the most time-consuming tasks for law firms and legal departments: discovery document drafting.

Don’t want to spend more than an hour on every single document? Let Briefpoint handle the heavy lifting.

Try it for yourself and sign up for a demo today.

Automate Today For Bigger Savings Tomorrow

Discovery responses cost firms $23,240, per year, per attorney. $23,240 estimate assumes an associate attorney salary of $150,000 (including benefits – or $83 an hour), 20 cases per year/per associate, 4 discovery sets per case, 30 questions per set, 3.5 hours spent responding to each set, and 1800 hours of billable hours per year.

Under these assumptions, you save $20,477 using Briefpoint, per year, per attorney.

Test Briefpoint yourself by scheduling a demo here.

FAQs About Legal AI Companies

What is Legal AI?

Legal AI refers to using artificial intelligence technologies to perform tasks traditionally done by lawyers and other legal professionals, such as legal research, document review, and contract management.

How does AI benefit law firms?

When law firms tap into AI, they can reroute resources, target slip-ups, and amass sizable savings–a trifecta of benefits that drive success. With this tool on your side, tedious tasks become a thing of the past, insightful patterns emerge from the noise, and bulky datasets get a serious workout in record time.

Will AI replace lawyers?

No, AI will not replace lawyers. It is designed to assist and augment the work of legal professionals, not replace them. AI can handle repetitive tasks and provide valuable insights, but the expertise and judgment of human lawyers are irreplaceable.

What are some popular AI tools in the legal industry?

Some popular AI tools in the legal industry include, Casetext, Luminance, LawToolBox, Ironclad, and Everlaw.

Is AI expensive for law firms to implement?

Depending on the law firm, the price tag for AI implementation can fluctuate wildly. But here’s the silver lining: many AI tools can adapt to different budgets and firm sizes.

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