Briefpoint Now Processes DISC-002, DISC-003, and DISC-005

Briefpoint announced today that it launched new processing capabilities for Form Interrogatory DISC-002 (employment), DISC-003 (unlawful detainer), and DISC-005 (construction).
All users have the ability to process these documents without any additional cost to their subscription.
To upload a form interrogatory, simply drag and drop it on your Briefpoint dashboard, at which point they will process automatically.
Additionally, Briefpoint now allows users to customize their preliminary statements for each type of discovery request.
Briefpoint’s new processing capabilities reflect Team Briefpoint’s dedication to automating the entirety of the discovery process – from response to compel.
For more information on Briefpoint and its plans to facilitate end-to-end litigation automation, email with the subject line “Briefpoint Roadmap.”