
What Are the Benefits of Cloud-Based Legal Software?

 In Practice Pointers

What Are the Benefits of Cloud-Based Legal Software?

Is your law firm stuck in the past with clunky, hard-to-use software? What if you could manage your entire legal practice from anywhere, whether you’re in the office, at home, or even sipping coffee at your favorite café?

It’s time to invest in cloud-based software. It’s an industry disruptor that’s helping law firms and legal professionals ditch the old-school approach and embrace a more flexible, efficient way of working.

Curious about what it can do for your firm? Let’s break down the benefits and see why so many firms are making the switch to the cloud.

man working on a laptop

What is Cloud-Based Legal Software?

Cloud-based legal software is pretty much what it sounds like—legal software that lives in the cloud instead of on your office computers. You don’t need to install anything on your local servers; instead, everything’s hosted on remote servers that you access via the Internet.

Imagine being able to manage your cases, track your time, and even collaborate with your team from anywhere you’ve got an internet connection. Whether you’re working from home, at a coffee shop, or even on vacation, you can easily access all your important legal tools and data.

This setup means you don’t have to worry about the headaches that come with traditional software, like slow updates or maintaining expensive hardware. Everything is managed remotely, so you always have the latest features and security measures at your fingertips.

Plus, it frees up your IT team to focus on more important things, like making sure your security protocols are up to date.

Top 7 Benefits of Cloud-Based Solutions for Law Firms

So, why should your law firm consider moving to cloud-based legal software? Let’s go over some of the top benefits that make it an incredibly valuable investment for your firm:

1. Work from Anywhere, Anytime

One of the biggest perks of cloud-based software is the freedom to work from anywhere.

Wherever you are, as long as you’ve got an internet connection, your work is right there with you. No more being tied to a specific desk or relying on local servers—everything you need is in the cloud, ready to access whenever and wherever you are.

This kind of flexibility is a lifesaver, especially in today’s world, where remote work is becoming the norm rather than the exception.

This capability is particularly beneficial if your team is spread out across different locations or if you have employees who need to work from home occasionally. It keeps everyone connected and on the same page, no matter where they are physically.

Plus, it makes it easier to balance work and life since you can manage your tasks on your own schedule without being chained to the office.

person working on a laptop

2. Easy Collaboration

Collaboration is key to any successful law firm, and cloud solutions make it easier than ever. With everything stored in the cloud, your team can hop on the same documents, track case progress, and chat in real time, all from one place. 

You can stop emailing files back and forth or dealing with the headache of different versions floating around. Everyone’s working off the same page, which not only makes things run smoother but also cuts down on mistakes and mix-ups.

What’s great about these cloud tools is that they usually come with handy features like shared calendars, task lists, and instant messaging. This means your team can quickly set up meetings, divvy up tasks, and discuss case details without leaving the platform.

3. Better Security

When it comes to handling sensitive legal information, security is non-negotiable, and cloud-based software takes this responsibility seriously.

Most providers equip their systems with top-notch cloud security features like encryption, ensuring confidential data is scrambled and unreadable to anyone who doesn’t have the proper access. Regular backups are another layer of protection, so even if something goes wrong, your data is safe and can be restored without a hitch.

Plus, because everything is stored on remote servers, you’re not at the mercy of local disasters—whether it’s a fire, flood, or even just a hardware failure, your cloud service provider keeps your information secure and accessible from anywhere.

Additionally, cloud providers are constantly updating their data security measures to stay ahead of potential threats. They have teams dedicated to monitoring for any suspicious activity and making sure that their security protocols are always up to date. 

4. Scalability at Your Fingertips

One of the best things about cloud-based legal software is its ability to grow with your firm. As you bring on more clients or team members, you can easily add users, increase storage, or access new features—all with just a few clicks. There’s no need for a big IT project or costly hardware upgrades.

Plus, this flexibility means you can adjust your plan as your needs change. Whether you’re expanding or scaling back, you can adapt your software to fit your firm’s current situation.

5. Cost-Effectiveness

Cloud-based legal software is a smart choice for your budget, especially when compared to traditional software.

One of the biggest financial perks is the lower upfront costs. You don’t need to shell out big bucks for expensive servers or worry about the ongoing costs of maintaining them. Everything is handled off-site, which means you can focus your resources on other important areas of your firm rather than sinking money into IT infrastructure.

Another bonus is the subscription-based pricing model that many cloud services offer. Instead of paying a hefty sum all at once, you can spread out the cost over time with a manageable monthly or annual fee.

6. Automatic Updates

Remember those frustrating days when you had to manually update your software, crossing your fingers that the update wouldn’t break something important? Well, with cloud-based solutions, those headaches are a thing of the past.

Updates happen automatically, handled entirely by the provider, so you don’t have to worry about downloading, installing, or troubleshooting anything. It’s all done behind the scenes, so you’re always working with the latest version without any effort on your part.

What’s even better is that these automatic updates mean you’re always up-to-date with the newest features and, more importantly, the latest security patches. 

7. Reliable Data Backup and Recovery

Losing data is every law firm’s nightmare, but with cloud-based software, you can rest easy knowing your data is well-protected.

One of the biggest advantages of cloud solutions is the regular, automatic backups that happen behind the scenes. This means that even if something goes wrong—a cyberattack, a system failure, or even human error—your data isn’t lost forever. You can quickly restore everything and get back to business as usual without missing a beat.

A cloud-based law firm doesn’t have to worry about unexpected disasters wiping out crucial case files or client information. With your data safely backed up in your cloud storage, you can focus on your work, knowing that if the worst happens, you’ve got a safety net in place.

Cloud Computing is the Future of the Legal Industry

Cloud-based legal software has a lot to offer when it comes to improving how your law firm runs. From giving you the freedom to work from anywhere to keep your data secure and always up-to-date, it’s a huge payoff for such a simple investment.

With features like easy collaboration, automatic updates, and reliable data backups, moving to the cloud is a no-brainer for any law firm that wants to stay ahead.

If you’re ready to give your firm a boost, Briefpoint is here to help. With Briefpoint, you can prepare discovery documents in minutes thanks to generative artificial intelligence. It also comes with Briefpoint Bridge, a feature that translates discovery requests into plain English, sends them to your clients, and automatically incorporates responses into your documents.

Plus, Briefpoint has teamed up with Microsoft’s Azure cloud platform to offer top-notch scalability and security, which makes sure that your firm’s documents are handled swiftly and safely, no matter the demand.

Why not see for yourself? Schedule a demo today and discover how Briefpoint can make your work life easier.

Expand Your Tech Stack With Briefpoint

Discovery responses cost firms $23,240, per year, per attorney. $23,240 estimate assumes an associate attorney salary of $150,000 (including benefits – or $83 an hour), 20 cases per year/per associate, 4 discovery sets per case, 30 questions per set, 3.5 hours spent responding to each set, and 1800 hours of billable hours per year.

Under these assumptions, you save $20,477 using Briefpoint, per year, per attorney.

Test Briefpoint yourself by scheduling a demo here.

FAQs About Cloud-Based Legal Tools

How secure is cloud-based legal software?

Cloud-based legal software is generally very secure. It includes features like encryption, regular backups, and access controls to protect firm and client data. Plus, because it’s hosted on remote servers, your data is safe from physical threats like fires or floods.

Can I use cloud-based legal software if I have a small law firm?

Absolutely! Cloud computing is scalable, making it a great option for firms of all sizes. You can start small and add more features or users as your firm grows. For example, you can start with just enough data storage and expand from there.

Is cloud-based legal software cost-effective?

Yes, cloud-based legal software can be more cost-effective than traditional or on-premise software, which is why many law firms make the investment. It eliminates the need for expensive hardware, and you can spread out the costs over time with a subscription model.

Will I need to pay for software updates?

No, with cloud-based legal software, updates are handled automatically by the provider and are typically included in your subscription. This means you always have access to the latest features without extra costs.


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