
7 Legal AI Applications You Shouldn’t Miss Out On

 In Practice Pointers

7 Legal AI Applications You Shouldn't Miss Out On

Still on the fence about using artificial intelligence (AI) for your legal processes? You might be falling behind by now, and here’s why.

The specific uses of AI in the legal world are endless. So, here’s a nutshell observation: AI can take over the things that consume most of your time, budget, and brain power, to let you focus on more valuable work. Ultimately, this results in better legal services, improved workflows, and law firm profitability.

But how does AI lead to these advantages, exactly?

people shaking hands and a contract

What Can Legal AI Tools Do For Law Firms?

Legal AI tools are transforming the landscape of law firm operations by offering a host of advantages that improve efficiency, accuracy, and client satisfaction. Here’s a breakdown of how these powerful tools are reshaping the way law firms work:

1. Faster Document Generation

Every minute counts in the legal industry, and that’s where AI steps in to speed things up. Document automation tools are reshaping how documents are created in law firms. They use smart templates that automatically adjust and fill in details specific to each case or client, which means no more manual data entry, saving loads of time.

Plus, these AI tools are sticklers for details, so they drastically cut down on errors that would be otherwise difficult to avoid via manual work. With a high-quality tool, you no longer have to worry about double-checking every word for regulatory compliance or formatting—AI has that covered.

AI doesn’t just make documents fast; it makes them consistent too. Whether it’s contracts, letters, or discovery response documents, everything comes out looking uniform. And for law firms that deal across borders, AI can generate documents in multiple jurisdictions to make life easier for everyone involved.

2. Easier Data Synthesis and Analysis

One of AI’s biggest advantages is its speed. Legal firms often deal with enormous volumes of information that need to be processed quickly. AI tools can rapidly sift through legal data to identify relevant case law, precedents, and documents in a fraction of the time it would take a human. This allows lawyers to quickly gather the information they need and move forward with their cases more efficiently.

For example, you might be preparing for a high-stakes corporate litigation case with thousands of documents to review, including emails, contracts, and financial records. Instead of manually sifting through this mountain of data, you use an AI tool that rapidly processes and categorizes all the information.

The AI quickly identifies relevant case laws and crucial documents to save you countless hours. It also analyzes the data to uncover hidden patterns and correlations that might not be immediately obvious, which can provide deeper insights that guide your legal strategy.

3. Better Legal Research

Legal research is no doubt a time-consuming and labor-intensive process. With AI legal research tools, however, due diligence becomes faster, far more efficient, and insightful.

As mentioned above, AI-driven tools can sift through massive amounts of legal documents almost instantly. When talking about legal research, these tools can pull up the most relevant cases, statutes, and opinions with pinpoint accuracy—a feature that allows lawyers to get to the heart of their cases without getting bogged down by endless reading and searching.

One of the most useful things about AI in legal research is its ability to stay updated. Laws and legal precedents change frequently, but AI tools keep up with these shifts in real-time. So, you’re always working with the most current and accurate information available.

But it’s not just about speed and accuracy. AI adds depth to your research by understanding the context of your queries. It goes beyond simple keyword matching to bring back results that truly matter—it helps you identify relevant precedents and legal arguments that might otherwise go unnoticed.

4. Consistent Contract Review and Management

AI tools are refining contract review and management by making these processes faster, more accurate, and more efficient. For example, instead of manually reviewing each contract line by line, you can use an AI legal assistant tool to scan and review documents in a fraction of the time.

AI tools can flag potential issues, ensure compliance with relevant laws, and check for inconsistencies across all contracts. Precision reduces the risk of errors and oversights, which are too common in manual reviews.

Better yet, AI can manage the entire contract lifecycle. From creation and negotiation to execution and renewal, AI tools track every contract stage while sending reminders for key dates and deadlines. This automation helps ensure you never miss a milestone and can handle renewals and renegotiations proactively.

5. Less Resources Spent on Routine Tasks

Handling routine tasks like billing, scheduling, and tracking deadlines can eat up a lot of time and energy in a law firm. In yesteryears, this kind of work would usually fall on legal assistants, if not paralegals on occasion. But with today’s legal landscape, even assistants need to focus on more valuable work instead of simple yet time-consuming tasks.

AI can take care of these tasks for you and make sure everything runs smoothly without you needing to check in constantly. Here’s a list of legal workflows you can easily automate:

  • Scheduling
  • Billing and invoicing
  • Client communication
  • Document filing
  • Task management
  • Client data entry
  • Report generation

When you let AI handle these manual processes, you can free up more time to focus on what really matters—like meeting with clients, developing case strategies, and doing in-depth legal research.

6. Improved Client Communications

Legal professionals are busy people, and it’s not uncommon to not have enough time to respond to clients. However, legal clients expect prompt responses, especially if they have a pressing matter at hand.

This is one of the reasons why more and more legal teams are adopting AI-powered tools to maintain fast and consistent client communications. Chatbots, for instance, can respond to client queries any time of the day so that clients always receive prompt support, even after hours. 

This immediate responsiveness helps clients feel continuously supported, which helps increase the overall quality of your legal services.

AI also sends personalized updates about case progress to keep clients informed without them having to reach out for updates. Plus, scheduling becomes hassle-free with AI managing appointments. It sends reminders and confirmations, which makes sure meetings are set up without any conflicts.

7. Upgraded Fraud Detection

AI can also be particularly helpful in fraud detection, especially in areas like insurance and finance.

AI can scan years of transactions and communications to spot unusual patterns that might suggest fraud. For example, AI can pick up on oddities in insurance claims, like ones that are unusually high or just don’t fit the usual patterns.

These AI tools also work in real-time, integrating with current systems to send immediate alerts about suspicious activities. This is significantly important in fields where catching fraud early can save a lot of money.

AI isn’t just about catching fraud as it happens. It can also predict future risks by looking at past data. This means legal teams can be ready for potential fraud before it even happens.

All in all, using AI for fraud detection helps the legal sector protect itself against financial misconduct and stay compliant with regulations. It makes the whole process more efficient and reliable, which gives professionals more confidence in their legal practices.

lawyers having a meeting in an office

Embrace the Future of Legal Work with

Despite the qualms about using AI in the legal profession, this modern technology is here to stay. As you’ve just learned, legal AI tools are helping maximize the potential of legal teams in more ways than one—document automation included.

Does it take hours to manually create a single discovery response or request? Let Briefpoint take over your Requests for Production, Requests for Admission, Interrogatories, and responses to the same. 

With Briefpoint’s generative AI and machine learning, you can draft request and response documents in mere minutes, allowing you to focus on more critical tasks.

Invest in Legal Document Automation Today

Discovery responses cost firms $23,240, per year, per attorney. $23,240 estimate assumes an associate attorney salary of $150,000 (including benefits – or $83 an hour), 20 cases per year/per associate, 4 discovery sets per case, 30 questions per set, 3.5 hours spent responding to each set, and 1800 hours of billable hours per year.

Under these assumptions, you save $20,477 using Briefpoint, per year, per attorney.

Test Briefpoint yourself by scheduling a demo here.

FAQs on Legal AI Tools

How does AI influence the accuracy of legal tasks?

AI reduces human errors by automating data processing and document review. This results in more reliable legal documents and research, ensuring better outcomes for clients.

Can AI replace lawyers?

No, AI is designed to support lawyers, not replace them. It handles repetitive tasks and provides valuable insights, but the expertise and judgment of a human lawyer are irreplaceable.

Is implementing AI in legal practice expensive?

While the initial investment in AI technology can be high, the long-term benefits often outweigh the costs. AI can save time and resources, leading to significant cost reductions and efficiency improvements over time.

What kind of legal tasks can AI automate?

AI can automate a variety of tasks such as document generation, contract review, data analysis, legal research, billing, scheduling, and deadline tracking. This allows legal professionals to focus on more strategic and analytical tasks.


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