
How Can Law Firms Increase Efficiency With Tech?

 In Practice Pointers

How Can Law Firms Increase Efficiency With Tech?

Most legal tech solutions are designed with one central goal in mind: to make legal firms more efficient.

However, optimized efficiency doesn’t always happen instantly. While more and more law firms are leveraging legal tech today, some are still struggling to use these solutions properly.

If you’re in the same boat, don’t throw in the towel just yet. What if you could maximize your workflow with the right tech tools? Here’s how to make that possible.

lawyer looking over a laptop

Types of Legal Technology

Before we go into using legal tech properly, let’s list the most common tech solutions law firms use to improve their efficiency, productivity, and client experience.

From automating tedious tasks to enhancing collaboration, law firms can significantly benefit from the array of technologies emerging in the tech sector. Take a task, any task–like dealing with paperwork or tracking hours–and you’ll likely find a tool waiting in the wings to make it easier.

To optimize their operations, law firms can turn to various legal technologies that help streamline tasks and increase productivity.

Document Automation Tools

For law firms, the right tools can spell the difference between wasting hours and free time to focus on high-priority cases. Rather than drafting documents from scratch every time, some document automation tools use AI to draft legal documents like discovery responses quickly.

This means fewer mistakes, consistent quality, and more time for lawyers to focus on important work. Plus, clients get their documents faster, which makes everyone happy.

Case Management Software

Law firms rely heavily on case management software. It’s an indispensable ally for legal professionals aiming to stay on top of their caseload. 

All your case information, neatly organized in one spot, frees you up to tackle your workload without the stressful juggling act of separate systems and mounds of paperwork.

With this software, you can track important dates, deadlines, and tasks, which helps make sure you don’t miss anything important. It keeps all your case documents, emails, and notes together, so you can easily find and share information with your team. 

It also assists with time tracking and billing for simpler billing and invoicing.

Document Management Software

Any law firm that’s serious about staying organized and efficient needs a solid document management system in place. File organization is their boon, keeping every sheet of paper in its rightful place and simple to track down. 

It also stores all your files digitally, so you can quickly search and retrieve what you need without digging through piles of paper or scattered digital folders.

With everything in one central spot, managing documents becomes a breeze. You can categorize and tag files for quick access, and features like version control ensure you’re always working with the latest document version.

Working together just got a lot simpler, thanks to this handy feature. Sharing and accessing files is straightforward, cutting down on time-wasting email exchanges. Plus, secure access controls keep sensitive information protected and only accessible to the right people.

Billing and Time Tracking Tools

Billing and time-tracking tools are must-haves for law firms to keep track of billable hours and manage invoices efficiently. These tools help lawyers log their time accurately so that every minute of work is accounted for.

Automation makes short work of hour recording, banishing the irritation of errors and liberating the time you need to focus on more pressing matters. You can easily track how much time you spend on different tasks and cases, which helps you bill clients correctly.

Invoicing becomes much simpler, too. Tracked hours convert effortlessly into accurate invoices, which simplifies the billing process and reduces administrative headaches.

person working on a laptop

Online Payments Software

Online payment software is a convenient tool for law firms, making it easier to handle client payments. Instead of relying on traditional methods like checks or bank transfers, clients can pay their bills online quickly and securely.

This software allows clients to pay using various methods, such as credit cards or electronic transfers, which gives them flexibility and convenience. For the law firm, it means faster payments and less time spent chasing down unpaid invoices.

Security is the key feature, with encryption and other measures to make sure that payment information is protected.

Electronic Signature Solutions

Ever wondered how to speed up the document signing process at your law firm? Electronic signature solutions are the answer. By giving clients the ability to digitally sign documents, annoying lag times and physical correspondence become a thing of the past.

With electronic signatures, you can send documents to clients with just a few clicks. Clients can then sign them from anywhere using their computer or mobile device. Streamlining equals speed and simplicity–a double blessing that benefits each and every person involved.

These solutions are secure and ensure that signatures are legally binding and documents are protected. Plus, they keep a digital record of all signed documents, so it’s easy to track and retrieve them when needed.

Automated Client Intake Forms

Automated client intake forms allow new clients to provide their information online, which simplifies the intake process and saves valuable time.

Instead of dealing with paper forms or back-and-forth emails, clients can fill out their details at their convenience. Client data is then automatically organized and stored in your system, which makes it easily accessible for your team.

Automated client intake forms not only speed up the process but also reduce error and legal risks. With digital forms, there’s less chance of missing or incorrect information, so you have everything you need from the start.

Legal Research Tools

Legal research is a whole lot easier with the right tools. With instant access to a massive library of information, you can track down relevant cases, statutes, and precedents in no time.

Imagine being able to search for a specific topic, keyword, or case and getting instant results. Instead of drowning in outdated information, you’ll have the power to zip through updates and refresh your perspective in no time.

But what really sets these tools apart are the extras, like annotations, highlights, and bookmarks, that keep your research tidy and easily accessible whenever you need to reference it.

Why Are Some Law Firms Inefficient With Tech?

Many law firms grasp the benefits of embracing technology, but for some, the gap between that understanding and tangible results remains stubbornly wide, leaving them in a cloud of inefficiency. More often than not, a few specific pain points are to blame.

For one, some lawyers often shy away from change for the sake of tradition, even if it means improving their productivity.

Plus, without the right know-how, even the flashiest tools can quickly become more hindrance than help and leave staff to wrestle with integration. 

Cost is another concern—many firms worry about the initial investment required for new technology, even though it can save money in the long run.

Integration issues also play a role. If different systems don’t work well together, it can lead to a disjointed workflow where information is siloed, and tasks become more cumbersome.

Lastly, a nagging concern about security can stalemate a firm’s growth. As keepers of confidential information, law firms must be cautious when it comes to embracing digital innovation. With confidentiality at stake, concerns about data security are unavoidable.

Addressing these issues with an open mind, proper training, thoughtful cost analysis, ensuring system compatibility, and prioritizing security can help law firms overcome these challenges and significantly improve their efficiency with tech.

How to Make Your Law Firm More Efficient With Tech

Making your law firm more efficient with technology doesn’t have to be a daunting task. Here are some practical steps to help you get started and make the most out of tech tools:

1. Start Small

Begin with one or two tech tools that address your most pressing needs. This way, you can gradually get used to new systems without overwhelming your team. Starting small allows you to manage the transition better and build confidence in using technology.

Here are some repetitive and often time-consuming tasks you can automate with new legal tech:

  • Document creation

  • Email management

  • Appointment scheduling

  • Billing and invoicing

  • Time tracking

  • Data entry

  • Client intake forms

  • Legal research

  • Task reminders

  • File organization

  • Follow-up emails

  • Case updates

  • Expense tracking

  • Report generation

  • Workflow management

2. Provide Training

Getting everyone in your firm comfortable with new technology is key to making it work. 

First things first: get your team familiar with the new tools by organizing some live training sessions that zero in on each one. These could be workshops, webinars, or hands-on sessions where your team can learn and practice in a relaxed setting.

Whether you’re a newbie or a pro, make the learning process smoother with a diverse range of resources featuring user-friendly guides, online tutorials, and instructional manuals that get straight to the point. 

These will help your staff get familiar with the new tools at their own pace. It’s also a good idea to have a go-to person or team who can answer questions and help troubleshoot any issues that come up.

Resistance to change is natural, but with proper training, that friction begins to fade, and people start to adapt and thrive. You can almost see a boost in confidence when someone masters a new technology. Suddenly, they’re less apt to second-guess themselves and make costly mistakes.

3. Seek Feedback

Regularly ask your team for their input on the tools you’re using. Can you truly count on them to get the job done? What challenges are standing in their way? In order to revise and perfect, this feedback is the perfect guiding light shining a spotlight on what needs fixing.

Involving your team in the decision-making process can also increase their buy-in and commitment to using the new tools.

4. Focus on Integration

Integrated systems simplify processes and make it a breeze to manage all aspects of your practice from one central platform. Imagine having your case management, document automation, billing, and communication tools all working together in harmony.

Errors and duplications simply disappear when you unify your system, leaving you with a leaner, more efficient operation. When your tools are synced, information flows seamlessly and everyone has access to the most up-to-date data. 

When your team collaborates smoothly, you’ll get work done faster and with more precision—and that means delighted clients.

5. Stay Updated

Technology for the legal sector is always evolving, so stay updated with the latest advancements and trends. Regularly review and update your tech tools to ensure that your firm is benefiting from the most current and effective solutions.

An edge over the competition doesn’t happen overnight (especially in the legal industry); it’s the result of clever strategic planning that pinpoints opportunities for improved efficiency.

team meeting

Invest in Tech Solutions Today

Legal tech solutions are designed to optimize your law firm’s operations, but it doesn’t happen instantly. Even with the best tech tools in your stack, efficiency can wane if you don’t know how to use them correctly.

It’s time to turn your tech investments into tangible results, so use these strategies to make it happen. While it can take some time and maybe even a bit of a learning curve, leveraging technology will ultimately make your firm more consistent, productive, and efficient.

If you’re new to legal tech, start with a tool that will bring you the most ROI yet is very easy to implement: Here’s a quick look at what you can do with it:

  1. Upload your discovery request: Briefpoint’s machine-learning system will automatically start extracting information from your document.

  2. Add objections and responses: Briefpoint will create a caption with most of the routine details already filled out. You can then add your objections to each request or interrogatory using the checklist.

  3. Collect and add client responses: With Briefpoint Bridge, you can easily gather and input client responses. Select your questions, send them to your client, and then insert their replies into your document without manual effort.

  4. Finish up: Once you have a draft, download the document in MS Word and make your final touches. It’s that simple!

Maximize Your Tech ROI With Briefpoint

Discovery responses cost firms $23,240, per year, per attorney. $23,240 estimate assumes an associate attorney salary of $150,000 (including benefits – or $83 an hour), 20 cases per year/per associate, 4 discovery sets per case, 30 questions per set, 3.5 hours spent responding to each set, and 1800 hours of billable hours per year.

Under these assumptions, you save $20,477 using Briefpoint, per year, per attorney.

Test Briefpoint yourself by scheduling a demo here.

FAQs About Legal Tech

How can document automation help my law firm?

Document automation can save time and reduce errors by using templates to create standard documents quickly and accurately.

What is practice management software?

For law firms and legal departments, keeping track of cases, deadlines, and client information can be a monumental task. However, practice management software makes it a breeze, centralizing everything in one easy-to-use platform.

Why should my firm use online payment software?

Picture this: no more wasted hours chasing down clients for payment. Online payment software streamlines the process, allowing clients to pay quickly and efficiently so you can refocus on driving growth.

How do electronic signatures benefit law firms?

Electronic signatures speed up the process of getting documents signed and returned, which eliminates the need for physical copies and in-person meetings, as well as increases cost savings.

What are automated client intake forms?

Automated client intake forms allow new clients to provide their information online, streamlining the onboarding process and saving time.


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