
5 Best Software for Legal Documents (A 2024 Guide)​

 In Practice Pointers

5 Best Software for Legal Documents (A 2024 Guide)

Let’s face it—managing legal documents can be a real headache. From drafting and organizing to tracking and signing, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the sheer volume of paperwork that crosses your desk.

But here’s the good news: the right software can turn this overwhelming task into a simple process that saves you time and stress.

In this guide, we’ll walk you through the best software options for handling your legal documents in 2024, helping you find the perfect tools to simplify your workflow and keep everything running smoothly.

lawyer working on Legal Documents

Types of Software for Legal Documents

When you’re working in the legal field, it’s no secret that managing documents can be a bit overwhelming. Different tasks require different tools, and finding the right software can make your life a whole lot easier.

Let’s break down the key types of software that can help you handle your legal documents more efficiently:

Document Automation Software

Ever get tired of drafting the same types of documents over and over? That’s where document automation software comes in handy.

Instead of starting from scratch every time, you can use templates or generative artificial intelligence that automatically fills in the necessary details. This not only speeds up the process but also helps you avoid those pesky errors that can creep in when you’re working under pressure.

Take Briefpoint, for example. Drafting discovery documents can take hours without automation, but Briefpoint can help you do it in minutes.

You simply have to upload your discovery request, select objections and responses, and then finish up on MS Word. Briefpoint will take care of everything in between, including filling out routine information.

Legal Document Management Software

Keeping track of legal documents can be a real headache, especially when you’re juggling multiple cases and deadlines.

Legal document management software is designed to ease that burden by organizing all your files in one place so you can quickly find what you need without the frustration of sifting through stacks of papers or countless folders.

With features like version control and advanced search options, you’ll save time and avoid the stress of hunting down that elusive document.

Contract Management Software

Contracts can be tricky to manage when you’ve got multiple versions floating around. Contract management software simplifies the process by keeping everything organized in one place.

From drafting to signing to tracking renewals, this software helps you stay on top of your contracts and ensures that nothing gets overlooked.

contract document

Electronic Signature Tools

Gone are the days of printing, signing, and scanning documents. Electronic signature tools make it easy to sign documents digitally, saving you time and hassle.

Plus, they add an extra layer of security so you can be sure that your signatures are legally binding. Whether you’re in the office or on the go, you can sign documents quickly and easily with these tools.

Practice Management Software

If you’re searching for an all-in-one solution to modernize your legal practice, practice management software could be the answer.

This software is designed to handle much more than just document management; it brings together all the key functions you need to run your firm smoothly.

With practice management software, you can manage case files, track billable hours, schedule appointments, and even handle client communications—all within one platform.

It’s much like a virtual legal assistant that keeps everything in order, which allows you to spend more time on more value-adding tasks, rather than getting bogged down in administrative work.

person on a laptop

5 Best Legal Document Software Solutions to Complete Your Stack

Building a solid legal tech stack can make a world of difference in how smoothly your practice runs.

Here’s a look at some top software picks for 2024 that can help you upgrade your legal workflows and keep everything organized.

1. Briefpoint: Best for Document Automation

If you’re fed up with spending hours drafting and tweaking discovery documents, is the solution you’ve been looking for.


This software is all about making your life easier by automating discovery response and request creation. Instead of starting from scratch every time, you just upload your opposing counsel’s discovery request .pdf, and Briefpoint does the rest—creating a fully formatted, ready-to-use response document in no time.

Briefpoint also comes with a tool that makes collecting and incorporating client responses into discovery requests ten times faster.

With Briefpoint Bridge, you can select the interrogatories you want your client to answer, add notes to simplify the interrogatories or seek specific information, then send your client the link to the portal via email.

Once your client sends over their responses, you can easily amend and add them to your discovery request. No more back-and-forth emails!

Briefpoint lets you automate the creation of outgoing sets and responses to:

2. OneDrive: Best Legal Document Management System

Managing legal documents can be a real hassle, especially when you’re dealing with a ton of files and trying to keep everything organized.

If you’ve ever found yourself wasting time searching for a missing document or stressing over whether you’re working with the right version, you know how frustrating it can be. That’s where OneDrive comes in.

It’s more than just cloud storage—it’s a tool designed to make document management easier and more efficient.

With OneDrive, you can quickly locate any document you need, thanks to its search features, and the version history ensures you’re always working with the most current information.

The smooth Microsoft Office integration means you can edit and collaborate on documents seamlessly, all while knowing that your files are securely stored.

OneDrive takes the stress out of managing your legal documents, which can give you more time to focus on your work instead of battling with your files.

3. Ironclad: Best for Contract Management

Contracts are the backbone of any legal practice, but keeping track of them can quickly become overwhelming. Juggling multiple drafts, managing approvals, and staying on top of deadlines can feel like a full-time job in itself.

If you find yourself in this situation, Ironclad is the best tool for you. Ironclad is specifically built to simplify contract management, offering a centralized platform where you can handle everything from drafting to execution.

It lets you manage each stage of the contract lifecycle with ease so that every version is tracked and every deadline is met.

Ironclad also simplifies collaboration, which makes it simple to work with colleagues and clients without the usual back-and-forth confusion.

Instead of getting bogged down in the details, Ironclad helps you stay organized and in control, so you can manage your contracts with confidence and efficiency.

4. DocuSign: Best for Electronic Signatures

Any law office knows that waiting on physical signatures can slow everything down. Whether you’re finalizing a contract or getting an agreement in place, the last thing you want is to be held up by paperwork.

That’s why DocuSign is such a game-changer. It transforms the signing process into something seamless and straightforward.

Instead of printing, mailing, or scanning, DocuSign lets you send documents for electronic signatures instantly.

The best part? Your clients can sign from wherever they are—whether they’re in the office or halfway around the world.

The platform is not only user-friendly but also secure, giving you peace of mind that the signatures are legally binding and the process is fully tracked.

5. Clio: Best Legal Practice Management Software

Managing a law practice involves handling a lot of different tasks—tracking cases, managing client communications, handling billing, and keeping everything on schedule.

Without the right law practice management software, it can quickly become overwhelming.

Clio is designed to bring all these elements together into one cohesive platform tailored specifically for legal professionals.

With Clio, you can easily manage your cases, track billable hours, send invoices, and organize client communications all in one place.

Plus, the software’s user-friendly interface makes sure that you can stay on top of your workload and maintain order, even during the busiest times.

Clio also offers seamless integrations with other tools, which allows you to customize it to meet the specific needs of your law firm.

Best Practices for Creating, Storing, and Organizing Legal Documents

When it comes to handling legal documents, a little organization can go a long way in making your life easier and keeping things running smoothly.

Here are some straightforward practices that can help you create, store, and organize your legal documents a hundred times better:

Opt for Paperless Document Management

If you’re still dealing with stacks of paper, it’s time to consider going paperless. Digital documents are easier to organize, search, and share, especially with the right document management tool.

Plus, going paperless reduces the risk of losing important paperwork and makes your office more environmentally friendly.

Scanning and saving all your documents electronically can also smoothen out your workflow and make everything more accessible.

legal documents and laptop

Use Consistent Document Templates

Starting with a blank document each time is not only time-consuming but also increases the likelihood of errors.

By using standardized templates, you make sure that all your documents have a consistent format, which is a must in the legal industry where precision matters.

Develop a Clear Naming Convention

A clear naming system for your files is key to staying organized. Include details like the client’s name, document type, and date in your file names so you can quickly identify what each document contains without opening it. This simple step can save you a lot of time.

Organize Documents with a Logical Folder Structure

With your legal document management solution, set up a folder structure that makes sense for your practice. Group documents by client, case, or matter and create subfolders for different types of documents like contracts, correspondence, and briefs.

A well-organized folder system helps you find what you need quickly so you can stay focused on your work.

organized legal documents

Backup Your Files Regularly

Losing important legal documents can be disastrous, so regular backups are essential. Cloud storage solutions like OneDrive are great for automatic backups, and it’s wise to keep an additional offline backup as a precaution. This helps make sure that your files are safe and accessible, even if something goes wrong.

It might also be a good idea to invest in unlimited document storage so you won’t have to worry about running out of space.

Keep Track of Version Control

When documents go through multiple revisions, it’s easy to lose track of changes.

Version control allows you to monitor edits, revert to previous versions, and make sure that everyone is working with the latest document. This is especially useful in collaborative environments.

Secure Sensitive Information

Legal documents often contain sensitive information that must be protected. Use encryption, strong passwords, and access controls to safeguard your files. Regularly review and update your security protocols to keep your documents safe from unauthorized access.

Follow Document Retention Policies

Having a clear policy for how long to keep your law firm’s documents is important for managing storage and staying compliant with legal regulations.

Make sure your retention policies are up to date and regularly reviewed to meet current standards.

Train Your Team

Finally, ensure that everyone on your team understands and follows your document management practices.

Regular training sessions can help reinforce these best practices and keep your document management system running smoothly.

How Much Does Legal Document Software Cost?

The cost of legal document software can vary quite a bit depending on what you need and the size of your firm. Here’s a breakdown of what you might expect:

  • Basic options: If you’re just looking for something simple to manage your documents, you might find software that costs around $10 to $50 per user per month. This usually covers the basics like storage, search, and version control.

  • Mid-range solutions: For those who need a bit more, like workflow automation, integrations with other legal tools, or better security, you’re probably looking at something in the $50 to $100 per user per month range. This is ideal for mid-sized firms that need more than just the basics.

  • All-in-one systems: If you’re looking for a comprehensive solution that includes document management, case management, billing, and client communication, the cost can go up to $100 to $200+ per user per month. These systems are great for larger firms that need a full suite of tools.

  • Enterprise-level software: For very large firms with complex needs, enterprise-level software might be necessary, which can run $200 to $500+ per user per month. These solutions often include advanced features like AI-driven analytics and extensive integrations.

Speaking of AI, if you’re looking at software with AI capabilities—such as AI-driven document drafting, predictive analytics, or automated contract reviews—expect the cost to be on the higher end.

AI features can significantly raise the price because they offer powerful tools that can save time and improve accuracy, but they also come with a premium cost. So, if AI is on your must-have list, be prepared for a steeper investment.

Spend Less Time on Routine Legal Drafting With Briefpoint

Managing legal documents doesn’t have to be a headache. With the right legal tech, you can turn time-consuming tasks into easy processes that free up more of your day for what really matters—serving your clients.

Whether it’s automating document creation, managing contracts, or keeping your files organized, the right tech stack can make all the difference.

Add Briefpoint to the very top of your legal tech tools list. If you want to stop spending hours drafting discovery documents, Briefpoint offers a smarter, faster process.

Imagine cutting down on time spent and saving your firm thousands per attorney each year—all while guaranteeing accuracy and consistency.

Ready to see how Briefpoint can revolutionize your workflow? Schedule a demo now and take the first step toward transforming how you handle legal documents!

How Much Can You Save With Briefpoint?

Discovery responses cost firms $23,240, per year, per attorney. $23,240 estimate assumes an associate attorney salary of $150,000 (including benefits – or $83 an hour), 20 cases per year/per associate, 4 discovery sets per case, 30 questions per set, 3.5 hours spent responding to each set, and 1800 hours of billable hours per year.

Under these assumptions, you save $20,477 using Briefpoint, per year, per attorney.

Test Briefpoint yourself by scheduling a demo here.

FAQs About Software for Legal Documents

What is the best software for legal documents?

There’s no one-size-fits-all answer to this question. The best software depends on your specific needs, but, OneDrive, Ironclad, DocuSign, and Clio are the top choices in their respective categories.

What document management features should I look for?

When picking a document management system for your legal practice, there are a few key features to keep in mind. First, make sure it has a strong search function so you can quickly find what you need and version control to keep track of document changes. You’ll also want solid access controls to keep sensitive info secure.

It’s a big plus if the system integrates well with tools you’re already using, like email or case management software. Cloud storage with automatic backups is great for flexibility and peace of mind. And if you’re working with a team, look for easy document sharing and collaboration features. Finally, make sure it helps you stay on top of compliance requirements.

Can I use general document management software for legal documents?

While you can use general document management software, legal document management tools offer features tailored to the needs of legal professionals, such as improved security, compliance tracking, and specialized search functions.

How do I choose the right software for my law firm?

Consider the size of your firm, the type of law you practice, and your budget. It’s also a good idea to take advantage of free trials and demos to see how well the software fits your workflow.

Is electronic signature software legally binding?

Yes, electronic signatures are legally binding in most jurisdictions, provided they meet certain requirements. DocuSign, for example, complies with e-signature laws around the world.

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